AP-iSchools & iNext Workshop Series
工作坊主题:Environmental & Community Informatics
演讲人:Juliana Sutanto教授(莫纳什大学),Basil Mahfouz博士(伦敦大学学院),Yuxiang Zhao教授(南京大学)
主持人:Khalid Hossain(莫纳什大学),Chao Min(南京大学)
ZOOM会议ID: 830 1913 7789
密码: 12345
Juliana Sutanto – Monash University
Title: Digital Interoperability during Natural Disaster Responses
Abstract: Various natural disaster response agencies have been creating digital applications (i.e., digital forms) to support the flow of information. However, based on our on-ground study, natural disaster responders from different agencies have been using a variety of digital forms according to their agencies’ operations which results in incomplete, contesting, and/or delayed view of the disaster information. Although there have been attempts by several agencies' representatives to co-create a digital form, disaster responders do not always commit to utilizing the proposed digital form as it may not fit the dynamic nature of a disaster response operation. Using sensemaking as our sensitizing lens, we delve into the digital adaptability behavior of the disaster responders which inform the design of a digital interoperability solution for immediate digital collaboration during natural disaster responses.
Bio: Juliana Sutanto is a Professor in Information Systems. Her research expertise is on system design, users' behavioural analysis and data management. She is a recipient of Informs ISS Design Science Award on privacy-safe design. Her research has been published in leading information systems journals. She was an Associate Editor in MIS Quarterly, and is currently a Senior Editor in Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Among her on-going researches are IT-supported decision-making during disaster response, digital resilience and community resilience, and health information systems.
Basil Mahfouz - University College London
Title: Mapping the Scholarly Citations of IPCC Reports: Are Policy Makers Leveraging the Best Science?
Abstract: Are climate policy makers making the most of the wealth of available scientific knowledge? In this presentation, we'll discuss how we are utilizing data science methods on the bibliometric database of Elsevier’s International Centre for the Study of Research (ICSR) to analyse the utilisation of scholarly research by policy makers. Specifically, we'll delve into how natural language processing and network dynamics are helping us identify areas with policy action, strong evidence, areas with policy interest but limited evidence, and instances where potential policies and strategies aren't fully capitalizing on available knowledge or tools.
Bio: Basil Mahfouz is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Public Policy at University College London (UCL). His collaboration with Elsevier’s International Centre for the Study of Research (ICSR) is focused on developing a framework to measure the societal impact of scientific research. With a multidisciplinary approach spanning international affairs and environmental science, Basil holds a Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University and a Master of Science from Imperial College London. Prior to his Ph.D. journey, Basil co-founded SynSapien, an environmental innovation crowdsourcing platform, and worked as a strategic communications consultant for research organizations in the Middle East.
Yuxiang Zhao – Nanjing University
Title: Conceptualizing the Sustainability of IT-Driven Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing Projects: A Configurational Approach
Abstract: Crowdsourcing is vital in facilitating the sustainable development goals of digital humanities projects. In this talk, I will start with a literature review on cultural heritage crowdsourcing. A preliminary conceptual framework will be presented to illustrate the intellectual development of this field. Later, I will report an empirical investigation to discuss the critical issues regarding the sustainability of cultural heritage crowdsourcing projects. This study adopts the Delphi and fsQCA methods to examine the configuration effects affecting the sustainability of cultural heritage crowdsourcing projects.
Bio: Yuxiang Chris Zhao is a professor in the School of Information Management at Nanjing University, China. His research interests include human-computer interaction, health informatics, and digital humanities. His research has been published in leading information science journals and conferences. Dr. Zhao was awarded the Distinguished Young Scholar in the Chinese Humanities & Social Science domain 2016. He now serves on the editorial boards of ARIST, JASIST, IP&M, Library Trends, Journal of Data and Information Science, and Data and Information Management. Dr. Zhao serves as Asia-Pacific Chapter Chair-elect of the Association for Information Science and Technology.